Cron jobs as a Virtualmin Server User

Hi, still digging into VM…
this question was left unanswered in 2018, but thread is closed

Am giving virtualmin access to a coder, who also needs to work with cron jobs… in cpanel he could set cron jobs for that account in there, cannot find that in Virtualmin… am I overlooking something?


Webmin/Systems/Scheduled Cron Jobs

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Hi Ilouie,
thank you…yes, but thats my level…this is about a coder with restricted access to one virtual server (virtualmin level ) … so also only cron jopbs for that server, not ie. my complete backup system
Do not see a path there



Am giving virtualmin access to a coder, who also needs to work with cron jobs… in cpanel he could set cron jobs for that account in there, cannot find that in Virtualmin… am I overlooking something?

Yes, this is possible. Please check Server Templates > used_template > Administrator’s Webmin modules and make sure that Scheduled Cron Jobs are enabled:

TY. I don’t have that set up…

What do you mean?

Hi Ilia,
thank you so much…
but [Scheduled Cron Jobs (user’s Cron jobs) is already set to YES on my default template
But I see no cron option on Virtualmin as servers admin

@ilouie: I think you have to click on DEFAULT SETTINGS and then choose dropdown as Ilia did



Nothing to that effect… What version is that?.. Is it Pro?..

You need to re-enable Webmin tab to be displayed? Check Server Owner Limits > Other restrictions and make sure that Show Webmin switch in navigation menu? set to Yes.

HI Ilia,
thx… not sure, is this for ilouie or me, the OP?


What? I don’t understand …

Hi Ilia,

my issue was different from the 2 poster …
I can see the screen as you shared, but cron xxx is already set to yes, still I cannot grant virtualmin admin cron access somehow. But I see what you showed, while the co-poster seems to be in another part of that problem.

What if you set it to no, and then set it to yes again? Is the template used by the virtual server you’re expecting changes in?

Hi Ilia,
thank you…tried that.
Now, am in Virtualmin on that server… but cannot see in menu the cron menu link anywhere.
But, am still lged in as root, who uses Virtualmin.
Haven’t tested to login as virtualmin admin…

Could that be different then? I believe I should not need to go up to webmin to create/change cron jobs with that setting set, correct?

Yes, I use default template for all servers.
Thank you!


Try sharing a screenshot of what you don’t see. What Webmin and Virtualmin versions are that? Is the domain jailed?

Hi Ilia, thx!

Webmin version 1.955
Virtualmin version 6.12

not sure what a jailed domain means… its a standard domain with website that has its own account (ex cpanel/server on virtualmin).

The way I am searching (assuming a virtualmin only server admin (nor webmin access) would see the same:
from Webmin to virtualmin
choose the server I want to ie. edit cron jobs
but do not find it in any menu

Am not sure if I see the same (I CAN use Webmin for this) as a only-one-server admin would see the same options

I was just trying to recreate your issue, but I couldn’t get past first base…LOL

Oh, I see now. Make sure that Webmin user is enabled on Edit Virtual Server > Enabled Features. Then search in navigation search autocomple to switch to server’s admin. You will find Cron when logged in as server owner, as now your are logged in as master admin.

As a master admin you can still find Cron jobs in Webmin tab, if it’s enabled on Webmin User > user Available Webmin Modules page.

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Has crontab -e been repealed?
