I am attempting to use a directory wordpress theme on my DigitalOcean Ubuntu 16.04. I am a novice at best when it comes to virtualmin.
I have installed and am running Virtualmin/webmin without issue up to now (I have multiple websites where I installed Wordpress using the script installer built into Virtualmin)
However when I install this theme it says that my max_input_vars is set too low. It shows the current setting as “1000” and says it needs to be set at “3000” for the theme to work correctly.
I did some research and found out that you go
Services > PHP 7.0 Configuration > Edit Configuration Manually > change max_input_vars to 3000 from 1000, save, restart apache and boom, all is good.
Just to be safe, I made it 5000.
HOWEVER the theme still isn’t working correctly and the “system report” the theme provides still shows the max_input_vars as 1000 instead of the 5000 I set it to.
Here is a screenshot of the “system report” the theme is giving me
- removed 2) removed
and just so you know I’m not crazy here is a screenshot of php.ini manual edit removed
I even went in via FTP and checked /etc/php/7.0/cgif AND /home/url/etc/php7.0/php.ini and both show max_input_vars as 5000.
I am pulling my hair out here. Is there somewhere else I need to change this? Is it pulling from another php.ini file I don’t know about?
I read a comment that said something about Virtualmin having 3 places you need to change the php.ini default settings but I couldn’t find any other mention of it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!