Where can i get the terminal module for webmin

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terminal was in the list of modules, but did not install
following some other thread i deleted the modle to download and install, bt have been unable to find that module in the downloads modules list or any google search


Were you looking in the correct place? I use Virtualmin so I don’t know if it’s exactly the same. But, refresh the modules list. The middle icon at the bottom is the terminal.

I don’t know what this means.

But, Webmin includes the terminal module. It’s just in the package. You don’t need to “get it”. If you install Webmin, you have Terminal. (Unless you installed the webmin-minimal package, which you should almost certainly not do if you’re not a developer building a custom Webmin distribution or Webmin-based tool.)

i did try refresh modules, and install module from webmin configuartion

as stated in my original post, on not being able to install the module i unfortunately followed advice from a thread here Terminal not listed under Tools in Webmin Latest 2.011 With Virtualmin 7.5 Pro and GPL and deleted the module, but unlike the author of that thread i have not been able find the module to download

Why are you trying to install it? You already have it. Webmin includes it. It doesn’t make sense to install a module that is already installed.

Go to your user in Webmin->Webmin Users-> and grant the user access to the module. I guess it didn’t get enabled for your user.

i have since checked on another installation on alma linux and terminal is installed there, but not working (some missing perl module), i have cloned the module and will try to copy it to the centos system, as i have local access to the alma system i don’t really need terminal on that as i can just run terminal directly

report back later

there a module list here in case of deletion

but no terminal, there shell but I think that running shell commands, what is shellinabox.wbm.gz and the original description for the old site seems close.
" Description Login like telnet or SSH, but without needing an actual telnet or SSH server running on your system. Also allows logging in through firewalls, by tunneling data through HTTP requests!"

found it, its xterm
download link

Out of curiosity I install shell in a box but doesn’t seem to work for me, just show a blank web page when I click in the link it create in tools.

What the heck are all of you doing!? You already have the Terminal module! If you installed Webmin using the full package from Webmin.com. If you don’t have it, it’s because you installed the wrong thing (the webmin-minimal package) or you have an old version and you should stop running old software.

If you don’t see it, it’s just because your user doesn’t have access to it. Give your user access to it.

And, stop trying to install weird stuff. Shell In A Box is a very old thing, and there’s a reason (several reasons) it’s not anything we’ve ever distributed as a core part of Webmin or Virtualmin.

thank you for your response
if you actually read my previous posts i did not have it as i had erroneously deleted it and needed to get it again
thank you to stefan for supply me the link i was unable to find, i now have terminal in my list of modules, still have an issue with needing some perl module, that appears to be hard to fix as centos 7 is not supported, but that is a completely separate problem

Thank You
i had eventually figured it was called xterm, which should have solved the problem for me but I missed the point
downloaded from your link > all good


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