OS type and version | None |
Webmin version | None |
Virtualmin version | None |
Webserver version | None |
Related packages | SUGGESTED |
I have been asked to redo a couple of Silverstone servers as the prior webdev made a mess of the installtion of Ubuntu server and I had to step in and salvage the sites on them.
Being completely new to the server side of things, I have been researching different cPanels and have already posted about using Virtualmin on an already installed up and running system with active domains.
Having failed to recover files/folders that had either disappeared or had been corrupted I mentioned to the owner that it may be best to redo everything. He agreed so I am at the point of figuring out what software packages to use.
I have decided on using Virtualmin as the cPanel and am wondering if there is a flavor of Linux that Virtualmin works best with.
Also, I am a bit puzzled at how the two servers were configured. One server had the Ubuntu server software installed and the other had all the websites located on it. And they worked together in that one could log into the server with a regular terminal login to the installed OS (Ubuntu) and then switch to the other server via the command line.
Each server is a Silverstone server with eight 16TB drives in a RAID 1 configuration (a pair on each level - 4 rows, 2 columns of drives with each row being a pair in a RAID 1 array).
Would the Virtualmin software also manage the RAID configuration or is that done via the Ubuntu OS?