

Alive but dead, everything but nothing…

Computer & Electronics Repair Shop Owner/Operator After work business. Worked in arcade industry 16 years doing electronics/IT was a framer for 4 years, did landscaping for 3 years, built windows for 2 years, Ran Trailer electrical for 1 year, Head IT Dept. Golf Resort 2 years. I have done plumbing, electrical, HVAC, drywall & finishing, siding. Designed, programmed my own smart home devices and smart home phone application prior to Alexa etc. Have enjoyed ownership of camaro’s and firebirds from the early 80’s have upgraded them and repaired them fairly extensively. Don’t vote for politicians of any sort instead I sign petitions that resonate with logic.

Currently invest in XDN (Digital Note) and VAL (Validity) Austrian Economics based finite cryptocurrencies.

Love to shoot my AR15 target shooting. Believer that guns don’t kill people people kill people. 3% of all gun murders have been using assault rifles making AR owners the most responsible gun owners yet political figures want to BAN AR’s?

I am careful when I follow the Masses as often the “M” is silent.

Centerist on the political spectrum but think we should still move fast and break stuff.

Subscriber to the theory “To understand all one must forgive all.”

Believe there is a GOD as the universe has not been around long enough for a 40 chapter book perfectly 13.8 billion years is not nearly enough time for such a thing to happen out of random events. Intelligent design creation by a creator.

Try to take into account that everyone suffers the same and life is suffering but is generous to those that find beauty in the suffering to make it more pleasurable. Good example one woman can be suffering in her mind because she has too many kids. Another woman can be suffering in her mind because she cannot have any kids in their minds the mental anguish is equal their experience their mind the struggle is the same.

Love family been with the other half for 21 years.

Above all a human being!