Virtualmin on debian 10 cannot get apache2 php to run as domain user

ok I think I have everything working now.

After understanding a little more about fpm and reading this post

Doing a grep on my problematic conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ I realized that there was a problem with the apache file missing this snippet

    <FilesMatch \.php$>
        SetHandler proxy:fcgi://

I think @Joe would have caught this if I would have not only showed my <VirtualHost *:443> block, but my <VirtualHost *:80> as well as it had this. I do not know why my 443 was missing this but I’m sure somewhere I’m the blame. Now that I understand a little more about php-fpm and the sethandler proxy:fcgi I can see this was the missing piece.

Thanks again Joe for all the leads! I would have never found how this all worked and using the virtualmin list-domains --id-only --domain to get the domain ID

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