Usermin feedback

That’s not so good it could do with the accounts separate so you don’t get confused.
but I can confirm it does work

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And the Tool Bar for Read Email needs attention!



Roundcube image from their website.

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What do you want to be case sensitive? In general, email addresses should NOT be case sensitive:

  • Domain names by definition are not
  • Address portion is system-specific but due to the domain name aspect, it’s recommended to not have the address portion be case sensitive
  • Comment section of address CAN be, and so can Subject.

(One anti-spam tactic that can help… shhhh don’t tell anyone about this :wink: – use the email address comment portion to further validate email source (along with SPF etc)

  • A current fraud tactic is to:
    • create email from and to the same address
    • validate every way possible, while blocking as much source IP etc info as possible
    • many servers will accept such emails even with SPF checking etc
  • BUT: it’s highly unlikely a spammer/scammer has replicated the address comment area!
  • So, if an appropriate test is added to postfix header_checks they will be blocked.
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Fetchmail works and would be a good reason to have filtering to folders.

However, when using Fetchmail to collect from a POP3 server, it collects all mail each and every time, even when Always fetch all messages? is set to NO.

That’s a problem.

Normally, Fetchmail should fetch only the new (unread) messages. Are you saying that Fetchmail always (re)fetches every message, whether read or not?

(I guess that you don’t have Fetchmail remove already fetched messages from the POP3 server?)

Yes, Fetchmail always fetches all mail regardless. The same emails using an email client behave properly and are only ever downloaded once,

I don’t have Fetchmail remove fetched email as it needs to be there for the email client program.

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