Ubuntu 16.04

hi, i think there is problem with redirecting admin.domain and webmail.domain, it justs goes to Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page, instead going to domain:10000

can anyone check it ?

how far are we from updated/patched new installer for 16.04? :slight_smile:

We have fixed some issues discovered in both Webmin and Virtualmin – we plan on pushing out a release soon, hopefully early this week.


post updates on it in this thread too please

Virtualmin 5.02 installed just fine for me on a fresh install of 16.04. I used the ./install.sh. Only issue I found is webalizer path has changed from /etc/webalizer.conf to /etc/webalizer/webalizer.conf. And network interface is not named eth0 anymore. That will cause issues with cloudmin.

i reinstalled ubuntu, will wait for new installer to test :slight_smile: so bring it on

Hi Eric,

Please tell us about the latest news updates. When will it be released?

I can’t install phpmyadmin & roundcube, it says it requires PHP5.


Check the page 1, there is a fix. And even when you can install roundcube, you have to install the unsupported v 2.0-rc because previous versions are not compatible with php 7.

long wait :frowning:

so? any updates on it? do we have updated installer.sh ?


My backups did not work on my new 16.04 box. MySQL Auth seems not to work. Do you have some news on that?

Thank you very much for your answer (and work on virtualmin).

Best regards

is it this project dead ? :slight_smile: no updates

Please tell us about the latest news updates. When will it be released?

I can’t install phpmyadmin on Ubuntu 16.04. :frowning:

Any chance someone could upload the patched file for me, I can’t get it to work

Our apologies for the delay – Jamie is away with his family at the moment, but will be pushing out a fix for this shortly.


Okay, can you guys update to the latest Webmin and Virtualmin, and see if that resolve the issue(s) for you?


what issues? :slight_smile: so thats updated installer?

im going to start fresh

btw anyone got proper way installing php 5.6?

Use the ondrej ppa (first result in Google), and install php 5.6, easy.
