Trying to connect to ftp through filezilla

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 20.04.6
Virtualmin version 7.7 Pro

hello can anyone help me im trying to connect to my server through filezilla

check your hostname. why are you using ftp?

Look at this recent topic - it explains how (both through Virtualmin and without Virtualmin)

ok i will have a look and im using proFTPD server on virtualmin

theses are the errores im getiing but im able to connect to ssh through putty

its only allowing me access to the /Maildir and not to the files

I presume you want to upload to the web site then create a website ftp user

you can use filemanager to upload and edit files as well.

im trying to setup a backup using an ftp server as i have everything for my website already on a usb drive that is connected to another pc

i have a user setup by the add a user this server

Backup what?

to backup my server onto a usb hard driver

this is what i meanthe bottom part

Backup ftp is normally to another ftp server, do you have 2 servers? else use localfile.

no i just have one server

Use local file or directory then, and alot quicker.

ok i do have a spear hard drive on my server that i would like to put my backup files onto it but its not showing up on the backup list

You prob need to mount it.

this is the one i want to use for my backups stata device b

Has it been given a mount location? like /mnt/whatever

this is what shows up when i click on the drive