I can’t access my webmin via the web by using the https://“localhost”:10000, so I tried to ssh and change the ip permissions to see if I accidentally locked myself out. I try doing the /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf and it says Permission denied. I’ve looked on my other forums and I can’t find anything on what to do if this happens.
What do you mean by “try doing”? That’s a text file. You have to edit it with a text editor, and you have to do so as a root user or using sudo to start the text editor.
But, I’m not sure that’s necessary. Did you change the IP permissions to start with to lock yourself out? Why do you think you need to edit the config file in ssh to change IP permissions? I would assume Webmin isn’t starting, or something else has changed, unless you specifically changed IP-based access controls.
In command prompt I ssh into my server. Other forums told me to use /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf. I believe a may have locked myself out in the webmin interface through the IP permissions. The main issue is that I can’t access my webmin interface through :10000 because on the web page it says “” took too long to respond. How would you go about fixing that?
It maybe fail2ban if you failed username and password a few times.
You used https://localhost:10000 (not sure why added quotes as that wont work) means virtualmin on your system, not a remote call. So that’s a bit confusing.
By default miniserv.conf allow all address, so not sure what you mean there. Can you post the message your seen that from.
What flavour (OS) of linux are you using, Linux 6.8.0-53-generic x86_64 could mean anything.
Ugh. It’s not a password issue. It says the site can’t be reached when I put in the correct call. I am trying to change IP permissions because I think I may have locked myself out by trying to allow other IP’s on. I read that I should ssh onto my server and use /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf to change an “allow” setting of some sort, but all I get is Permission Denied.
Difficult to answer fully as you have not told us what os you are using … but ssh into the server and type sudo -s that will elevate your regular user to root
Are you using a client like putty? Just use user root, that all to do to login as root, but you need to know root password. Else get the administrator to fix.
You are now root so you wont get permisson denied errors when you try to edit files, so you can now edit the required files, when you have finished editing and saved the file type exit and you will return to being the regular user