I’ve rolled out version 7.9.0 of the Virtualmin virtual-server module.
Changes since 7.8.2:
Add reworked navigation menu for better usability and accessibility
Add support for different PHP-FPM process manager modes (dynamic, static, ondemand)
Add Google Drive support as cloud storage provider for Virtualmin Pro users
Add enhanced Jailkit domain features for Virtualmin Pro users, including abilities to copy extra commands and sections, and to reset previously configured jail environment
Add ability to preserve php_value, php_admin_value, env and pm. settings when changing PHP-FPM version
Add Cloudflare API token support for more secure and precise authentication, replacing the need for using global API keys
Add API for restarting system or virtual server services using virtualmin restart-server command
Add support for showing dynamic placeholder for path/file field in Backup and Restore ⇾ Scheduled Backups page #647/issuecomment-1732368172
Add ability to use the database character set when performing back up and restore
Add improvements to validate domain output page
Add various improvements for migrations from cPanel and Plesk
Add template substitutions to support variables for the MySQL/MariaDB host and port #666
Add ability to show domain type when listing domains in UI #676
Add support for using Webmin RPC to perform virtual servers transfer to remote systems
Add an option to re-allocate usernames when restoring backups
Got this up and running this afternoon. Excited for this to be here. Google is so much faster than Dropbox for offsite for me. It took me about 35 mins to get everything backed up to Dropbox. Google Drive is way faster - got the whole thing done in 13m 5 seconds. MUCH nicer. Tkx!
Please create separate threads for each new question you have. This helps in organizing discussions and ensures that each query receives the attention and specific answers it deserves.
An alleged bug is NOT “News”.
This Alleged bug I have been unable to reproduce and the updated version appears to be working just fine for me.
If you make a post in the correct part of the forum it will get more notice (mainly because those wishing to check will hopefully have the all important system information)
Sorry for the noob question but I think Virtualmin is not autmatically installing this update. Is it supposed to be installed manually? If so, how do I do it?