Mariadb edit user error

OS type and version Ubuntu 22.04
Webmin version 2.202

You’ll have to excuse me if this is mariadb /mysql problem. I’m new to mariadb and not a mysql expert either.

My problem here is that I’d not quite set the mariadb vmin account settings properly before creating these test accounts. I hadn’t enabled remote access fro anywhere (%) for the users dbs but I’m wondering what if these were some production accounts and I needed to fix this without deleting and recreating the accounts with the correct mariadb settings upfront? I’d want this feature to work, ideally using webmin.

Webmin → Servers → Mariadb → User Permissions → Select a user to change permissions for → then change “Hosts” option from “Localhost” to “Any” → Save

and I get the error:

Failed to save user : SQL rename user ‘leeg’@‘localhost’ to ‘leeg’@‘%’ failed : Operation RENAME USER failed for ‘leeg’@‘localhost’

Personally i create a second user with same user name but @% this gives the ability to alter the privilege of the remote style user without altering the privilege of the local user. However this may have to be done via the command line and not the webmin ui, i have never used the webmin module to do this, but I have used phpmyadmin to do this which is a gui if you are more comfortable with ui’s

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