I come from cpanel where the usernames and passswords for mysql databases are incredibly easy to use. they come in the format username_putwordhere.
When I imported my cPanel accounts, the databases and the associated usernames are imported in this format.
the question
When I create a new database use in Virtualmin the user names always have @usersdomain.com added on the end, is there a way to create usernames without this suffix?
Because there is only one server you need to separate users from what domain they coming from. I can’t see how this would work if you don’t use a domain in the name.
Import worked. I am showing you how I can have mysql usernames without domain names attached to then ask why can’t we have database users we create in virtualmin manually not have said domains attached.
Not really sure why this is a issue and virtualmin is not cpanel. Cpanel you can’t create a username like joeblogg, it will add a prefix ie username_joeblogg.
Is it stopping you doing something or you just like cpanel’s method?
How are you making that happen? I don’t think it’s even valid to have @ in a database username, as it specifies the hostname from which the user is connecting in permissions and such. (But, I’m not an expert, it’s just never come up.)
as you can see above I have to use a username with an @ and domain name (i.e. email format) but when I import from cPanel the usernamesa re like there were in cpanel.
Personal I would like to enforce database and usernames to have the virtualmin username and a prefix. I have user server templates to force this for databases, would be nice for database usernames.