Mailman virtualmin modul

How did you install the Virtualmin module, via yum search wbm-virtualmin or elsewhere? Is mailing list link showing in Virtualmin at all?

If you created the list via command line, a user/password should be set, same as via Virtualmin panel.

via the webmin module admin

yes i have set the user amd pass

now i have removed the modul via the webmin moduladmin and have reinstalled the modul via yum install wbm-virtualmin-mailman. I have createt a new mailman list, and this is not shown in the mailman wbm module, i recieve a mail with a link,
You can configure your mailing list at the following web page:


The web page for users of your mailing list is:


both links says i have no permission to admin this list. but this is the mailman list ???

the forward is https://domain:10000/virtualmin-mailman/unauthenticated/admin.cgi/mailman

i have also try to change the user in the module config from apache to nobody, same result

Similar thread Mailman plugin download (version) maybe it’s the version

i have installed the 6.10 version but when i go and check the version under webmin modules its still the 6.9 and the issue is not gone.
Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-07 um 23.33.31

the module config

Just double checked mine and version I use is 6.9 but on CentOS 8, I don’t know if CentOS 7 is using a different version. By any chance, if you switch theme language to English - does that make any difference at all? in terms of what is being displayed/ options / features that can be seen.

/usr/local/mailman seems wrong? Did you really install mailman from a tarball instead of from a package?

this is the right config, so now i can see the lists and i can change paswords and add new lists, i will try all funtions tomorrow.

Command died with status 2: “/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post mailman”.
Command output: Group mismatch error. Mailman expected the mail wrapper
script to be executed as group “mailman”, but the system’s mail server
executed the mail script as group “nobody”. Try tweaking the mail server
to run the script as group “mailman”, or re-run configure, providing the
command line option `–with-mail-gid=nobody’.

Installing anything from source is a recipe for disaster. I can’t help. I’m not gonna try to figure out all the weird things that need to be sorted out with regard to permissions, ownership, paths, etc.

If you install from a package provided by your OS (they all have a mailman package), you will not have to figure all this nonsense out. Unless you really know what you’re doing you should never install anything from source (and if you really know what you’re doing, you won’t want to).

it is not installed via source it is installed with yum install mailman

you can try to logind and you will se

i have downloadet a mailman-2.1.34 src
a new configure like this:

./configure --with-mail-gid=nobody --with-cgi-gid=nobody

make install

cd /usr/local/mailman/bin ./mailmanctl restart

service postfix restart

and the web is still working with no errors and the maillist ist also working.
So the question is, is this ok the mailman has --with-mail-gid=nobody and --with-cgi-gid=nobody?

Something must have been overwritten source versus repo when you installed perhaps. Attached screenshot is my config from CentOS.

Packages do not put things in /usr/local

ok, i have cleaned my servers from the src mailman, the config is now this and all is working :slight_smile:
Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-10 um 10.30.13

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