Litespeed web server

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 22.04.4
Webmin version 2.105
Virtualmin version 7.9.0
Related packages SUGGESTED

Now a day virtualmin is great web control pannel but only lacks litespeed web server, Users like we how runs wordpress website have or want mostly litespeed web server as it too faster then Apache and perfromance is also too good

Wordpress is used on most of the website and wordpress recommends litespeed webserver too, I just want how possible way to install and activate litespeed in virtualmin and how to remove Apache completly as i only have wordpress websites for which I’m using virtalmin and i likes the control panel a lot

I checked on litespeed officical website there mentioned virtualmin supports litespeed web server but i don’t know how to activate and removed the Apache please guide me here and I belive most of the users who using virtualmin control panel and run wordpress website always want litespeed because of speed google always want speed website and makes slow website down

I disagree with your summary of use of WordPress as it is not used on any of my VM. I detest it, or rather its add-ons, So my requirement for litespeed is zero.

But I do know many users here use Apache (I moved to Nginx years ago) and are tied to WP. So I do understand your request and that WP is dictating it.

However this has been asked for before and I think comprehensively answered. I doubt if anything has changed
A request to install litespeed


By this you don’t remove apache.

Interesting by this, it uses the apache config files

I do understand your concern too, but at the moment I’m full-time wordpress developer and in my case litespeed server performs best

Thanks for sharing the old answer, I got an better answer

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Did you try this?

No, but I might have a look on a test machine when I get time. I have been impress by it on a cpanel provider I have just switched to.

You switched to cpanel? Good decision! Let me know when you try as i don’t have any free machine

I’ve always had cpanel and virtualmin.

WordPress powers something like half of the websites in the world. No reason to trash talk it every time it comes up. It’s better than many alternatives.

But, you’re right that we have answered this question before. We won’t be doing anything with Litespeed without funding for the development (as I don’t think it’s necessary or particularly useful for most of our users, but if someone is convinced enough to put money behind the request, I can be convinced). That will continue to be true forever, no need to ask every six months. We support the two most popular Open Source web servers. We are a tiny team with a tiny budget.

I don’t know anything about configuring Litespeed, but I guess if it works with Apache configuration files you could tweak the Webmin configuration to work with a different service). I’d be surprised if it works with all the features of Apache. But, let us know how it goes.

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Just doing a little research I’m not sure that the open source version is what is touted for WP. Seems they have caching voodoo that works with their enterprise version and is a paid add on.

Found this. A little old but seems to back up what I just typed.

Seems lightspeed caching, when it breaks, is a nightmare. I’m not really finding much in terms of independent benchmarks either. Seems lightspeed is the source for most.

Virtualmin/webmin as i explore is very powerful in itself. Although it workes the best with apache, nginx having some issues with WordPress and if they add a new stack, it would get more difficult to manage. As the devs have very tiny budget, these two options at this time are more reliable. However, i would add a request to fix the Permalink issue with WordPress on nginx webserver.

Adding Redis with PHPredis extention package would be aweome.

Openlightspeed is faster with lower TTFB and can handle more users but it is not completly open source and they have to sell their premium offerings. Also, nginx is closer with some optimization.

You can try some other control panels which offer this Litespeed stack.

You can increase or add specific pro plan for those who want another server rather than apache and add one plan accordinly so those who want to go with litespeed they pay some extra and I belive customer/users like me who are familier with the panel will go with the price as virtualmin is best in my opinion

But as you said it’s hard development and need high budget you sure get more leads for the litespeed server plan as users want wordpress in litespeed as far I haven’t face any such a big issue using virtualmin it depends on others

In my opinion you should think and discuss with team and i don’t know how this development happens as but i know it take too long to build something pefect

Lets see in future if this possibility happens
Thanks for the response

How do you configure Apache and nginx both together?

Bottom line, unless real world testing on YOUR configuration shows needed improvement, don’t chase some unseen unicorn because some huge mega company uses a particular solution for THEIR needs.

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You don’t, if you value your time, the resources of your system, and the time of your users.

This is the default for one of the panels I looked at before deciding on Virtualmin. User is free to hunt about, find it, install it and look at the configs I guess.

Please allow me to chip in regarding the matter of web server speed.

AFAIK, since that we’re running WordPress there are many other factors that affect the speed of the site, and in my opinion the web server flavor is the least to affect the speed.

Here’s why.
PHP is handled by a PHP interpreter. It could be any one of the different options provided/supported by Virtualmin. From my experience and understanding FPM is the fastest.

Next comes the database engine. We know that WordPress does not work without database access (unless special caching arrangements are done), and for every page requested several queries are run on the database server. This is one major factor that affects the response speed.

The amount of DB queries and PHP processing is tied directly to the theme and plugs-ins used on the site.

Only when these are done, FPM gives the generated response to the web server to push it to the client.

So you see, the webserver is doing very light work initially (handling the HTTP request, processing directives and permissions, and applying environment options), and then everything else is handled by the PHP interpreter and the database server.
If you have experience with software development you can automatically understand why database queries are usually the major bottleneck in the performance of a web app.

So I claim that the webserver software has very little to do with the speed of a WordPress site.


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