Install Scripts menu missing for users but not for root?

OS type and version CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
Webmin version 2.001
Virtualmin version 7.3
Related packages Automatic updates is on

On one of our systems the install scripts menu is missing. It’s there when you’re logged in as Root but not as a user. Below is a screenshot.

I tried researching this thoroughly before posting. I found a number of older posts but no real answer.

Here is the screenshot with the missing menu:

It’s not missing, it’s disabled.

Administration Options->Edit Owner Limits->Allowed capabilities and features->Can install scripts

You can also set it in Server Templates (as with nearly everything in Virtualmin) so it is the default for new servers.

Thanks so much Joe. I found it on the user’s Administration Options menu as you specified.

Actually I looked in Server Templates before posting but I simply couldn’t find a global default. The closest menu I found about scripts was “Default script installers” but that doesn’t look relevant. I went through all the rest too.

Under Account Plans, choose the plan your user uses and under Allowed capabilities, tick Can install scripts

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