I always use Debian for my servers for many reasons like stability.
I installed Cloudmin Pro on a server that i am building for a customer
Enabling XEN, KVM and LXC from cloudmin don’t work, docker integration also doesn’t seem to work as cloudmin never manages to use the dockers i create, neither creation of new from inside cloudmin works.
I am not a newbie on linux at all, and i can’t understand what i am missing here.
Is Debian really compatible with Cloudmin or i am losing my time?
What disto will work out of the box with Cloudmin Pro?
I want just to install it and create the vms, not spending hours to make things work (i have already lose two days)
More details for what doesn’t work if matters
Docker wasn’t working. after installing manually it, i tried to download and install docker image from cloudmin search_dimages, and downloads nothing (no disk usage at all)
Tried connecting manually created docker image and nothing. Creating new docker from cloudmin, gives Failed to create system error without any clue. I have installed official docker package, not docker.io or else.
LXC fails on creation, as bridging network that documentation says to add on network interfaces, breaks the networking of the server and gets unreachable. Also cloudmin seams to use cgroups v1, while debian of course uses cgroups v2, and gives error: The cgroup filesystem is not mounted
KVM installation via cloudmin fails for missing packages
XEN installation via cloudmin breaks again the networking like LXC guide. Even by using other network bridge, adding host to XEN fails without mentioning reason