Not really sure where to look - but I think this was preceded by another Perl error which I attempted to capture but it only flashed for a second or two (too short for my slow fingers)
On all VM (currently) Ubuntu 22.x
On my PC (sadly) Windows (with Snipping Tool)
on both (unfortunately) physically challenged to one finger typing or mouse. gone are the days of being a touch typist / keyboard warrior.
I was hoping these errors were being stored in a log somewhere and that my knowledge of Webmin/Virtualmin was letting me down again. Ok, we don’t need all the success messages from Perl but the errors might be of use - or at least have them not vanish before they can be read / cancelled.
Same happened today (after quite a lot of use without the error re-occuring yesterday - so the error is not critical ) this time I checked the console:
Browser = Chrome (I could try Firefox but the error disappears too quickly and I am unable to get it to reproduce reliably).
that error log posted above, makes me think it is a system problem. there is a lot of activity (mostly PHP) on this VM the other VS are just ticking over (Nodejs apps). - primarily a dev box ATM.
Again tried with no extensions added but sorry still Chrome browser in use.
08:30:50.491 :10000/extensions/file-manager/tree.cgi?module=filemin&d=3&y=1&e=0:1
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Perl execution failed)
so same error message, still times out and deleted before any further investigation and no log (or at least one I can find)
the spinning doom disappears on page reload or change in module then is gone for good even after logout+login of system, which means it is not reproducible.
managed to get into browser console log pretty quick
10:02:58.729 bundle.min.js?2120700009999999999:178 Welcome to Authentic Theme 21.20.7 GitHub - webmin/authentic-theme: Official theme for the best server management panel of the 21st Century
10:04:27.340 [DOM] Input elements should have autocomplete attributes : (More info: )
10:04:27.340 [DOM] Input elements should have autocomplete attributes : (More info: )
10:04:27.340 [DOM] Input elements should have autocomplete attributes : (More info: )
10:04:27.340 [DOM] Input elements should have autocomplete attributes : (More info: )
10:04:27.340 [DOM] Input elements should have autocomplete attributes : (More info: )
10:04:27.340 [DOM] Input elements should have autocomplete attributes : (More info: )
10:04:27.340 [DOM] Input elements should have autocomplete attributes : (More info: )
10:04:27.340 [DOM] Input elements should have autocomplete attributes : (More info: )
10:04:00.506 :10000/extensions/file-manager/tree.cgi?module=filemin&d=3&y=1&e=0:1
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Perl execution failed)
probably a separate issue - but on logging in the VS that is selected in the theme is ignored and I am dumped into the first VS alphabetically in the list and into Webmin not Virtualmin
Still spinning Doom @ 10:44 - nothing in the /var/webmin/miniserv.error
what I was fearing - but short of pressing the seff-destruct plunger I am at a loss
tried rebooting and logging back in and still the same unstoppable circle of doom whenever I return to File Manager - it is as if a deleted file/dir is still being searched for - but know not what.
I am beginning to think about temporarily disabling that VS (the one that it keeps reverting to despite it being set as the default in the theme.
What happens if you use the file manager from webmin rather than virtualmin? It should i guess give the same result, not saying this will help just interested