Fail2Ban Edit Jail

OS type and version Debian Linux 11
Usermin version 2.102
Virtualmin version 7.30.4
Theme version 21.20.7
Apache version 2.4.62
Package updates All installed packages are up to date

I’m having trouble saving edits to the jail. Seems the same as this unanswered post.

I’ve checked my /etc/services and all these seem valid. 465 is also submissions on my system but changing to that doesn’t help.

Click save.

There is a button to edit config files manually.

On alma the jail file is:


Can you do it with a single port name? If it work then add another port.
I can enable and disable rules, so not sure its exactly like the link.

The link post I can same issue with proftp but postfix I can no issue enable and disabling. That seems strange plus the enabling and disabling worked even though it errored.

Also check jail.conf

Thanks for the heads up! We’ll fix it in the upcoming Webmin 2.300 release.

Though, you can go ahead and apply the patch now to give it a try:

webmin patch

Nah. I’ve done manual edits but just wanted to pass this along.

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