Backup failure via SSH, cannot delete old backups perhaps due to abnormal port?

Continuing the discussion from Failed backup of Virtualmin on end - failed to list directory via SSH:

OS type and version Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Webmin version 2.021
Virtualmin version 7.7
Related packages N/A

I have the same issue as the previous poster

I’m not sure why this hasn’t been fixed yet. Backups work completely, but they still fail at the end because old ones cannot be deleted. I believe this is a problem with the Virtualmin software, and not user configuration? Perhaps it is because I’m not using the standard port of 22, because if I connect to port 22 files are only viewable (I’m using a hetzner storage box so it is quite advanced) so I’m connecting to port 23 where files can be deleted, written etc.


i use root for the virt backups via ssh…no issues there.

hetzner storage box doesn’t provide a regular shell, so (probably) that’s why you get “failed directory listing” command output. you should perhaps try another method since hetzner storage box also supports samba, webdav, ftp…
documentation :

i use different backup method/application, with ssh, no issues with hetzner storage box.

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