Z-push on rocky linux 9.2

yes i disable redirect to usermin on services…

but same, if i use another subdomain (of course previusly configured)

have a read of this this thread on another forum. I know it mentions a debian system & not rocky but as you are using postfix (?) as an mta it may be helpful

thank you.
yes i’m using postfix on rocky 9.

but in that thread links to sogo installation page but now seems only with registered member.

seems complex, if anyone have a production can write me (also payment support).
but for now i stay with imap/smtp (for activesync only way is resell office365 :frowning: )

thank you

Really, I thought it can do pop3, imap or activesync. I hate activesync :slight_smile:

just to update.
i found

and try to config opensource edition i can setup outlook with activesync (group-office use z-push).
but it doesn’t seem to work very well. I have to check better

thank you

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