Yum update centos-release release file: what is it?

Running a CentOS 7 box and YUM wants to update “centos-release” release file. Can anyone tell me what this file is?

| CentOS Linux 7.9.2009 | REQUIRED |
| Webmin 2.111 | REQUIRED |


The centos-release package contains information about the version of CentOS that is installed on your system; when YUM wants to update the centos-release package, it means there are updates available to one of the following components:

  1. Files like /etc/centos-release, which provide the version and release number
  2. Configuration files for YUM repositories, such as those in /etc/yum.repos.d/

It often happens due to a new point release (e.g., from 7.8 to 7.9).

Keep in mind that CentOS 7 is reaching its end of life (EOL) on June 30, 2024! We highly recommend to migrate to Rocky or Alma 9 as soon as possible!

It’s used for 2 reason’s secure FTP and Proxy. Not sure I’m going to. Is there an easy way to upgrade? I thought YUM used to do that, but since it has not I’m guessing it doesn’t.

I think you have to!

Yes, just spin up a new clean Rocky/Alma 9 instance and migrate your domains:

Are those CentOS? Is CentOS going away?

Yes, check this out:

What to know about CentOS Linux EOL

Not exactly, they are successors:

Rocky Linux is a fine successor to CentOS and was created by one of the original... | Hacker News

Don’t get fooled by CentOS Stream. It will be continuously updated and impossible from a support viewpoint.

CentOS went away a couple of years ago. It has been replaced by a Fedora or Ubuntu (non-LTS) style rolling release, where you have no guarantees of compatibility or stability in package versions. Not recommended for servers, and not supported by Virtualmin (though Webmin will always support just about anything).

If you want an enterprise Linux in the style of CentOS that’s also free, you want Rocky or Alma. Or, RHEL if you want commercial support for it.

So Fedora is still around? I used to use Fedora years ago and had no issue with it. I think I recall it basically being the replacement for Red Hat when they went to a for pay structure. I have downloaded Alma and tried to install on a new box and it couldn’t find the .m2 hard drive, so will try another box with an SSD drive and see if that works. I really don’t care to be honest, as I stated earlier, I need it for two reasons, a Proxy server and SFTP.

Talking to a RH employee, albeit some 10 or more years ago, RH considers Fedora its’ test bed. Not really what you want for a server.

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Fedora has never been a “replacement for Red Hat”. It’s among the leading Linux desktop distros, maybe somewhat less popular than Ubuntu, but probably more popular than any others. It’s not appropriate for a long-running server (and never has been).

You can’t safely keep using CentOS 7, because it reaches end of life in 24 days. So, you’ll need to pick some alternative. Rocky and Alma are the free options that are most like CentOS (both are built the way CentOS used to be built, by recreating RHEL packages). RHEL is the kinda free option (if you only need a few machines running it, you can get a free license).

iam not get it yet
if CentOS 7 is gone and not longer support What do you suggest?
as u know i use cantabo with free webmin
so what should exactly do
any help

I don’t use cantabo, but do they hay just a Rocky or Alma install, not preconfigured with webmin?
Then use the docs

You will need to open port 10000 for it to work remotely,


otherwise you should check out virtualmin, does all that for you

The latest news is that CentOS 7 will have four more years of support. I didn’t pay attention to the details because I don’t use C7 anymore. You should check if this is something which will be of advantage to you.

You should never use pre-built images with pre-installed software from the marketplace.

Instead, spin up a clean Rocky 9 or Alma 9 instance and install Virtualmin as described on our download page.

I think this is Webmin. Not sure if that makes a difference here.

It could make a difference; only a clean OS should be used when installing Virtualmin using the installation script.

Yes, Ilia, but it is Webmin which is being discussed here, not Virtualmin, AFAIK.

Oh, right! Then still, it’s better to get a clean server and install Webmin as suggested here:

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That is wrong. Please don’t mislead people into running an unsupported OS.

CentOS 7 reaches end of life in 7 days. What to know about CentOS Linux EOL

The Open Source alternatives to RHEL now include Rocky and Alma. There are others, but those are the ones I recommend, as they are community driven. CentOS is no longer very suitable for the kinds of deployments most folks here are doing, with its stream development model.