Changing uploads 0755 to uploads 0777 gave the same error.
Other Wordpress sites on this server are a) set to 777; b) can upload media OK. This makes me think it is an ownership problem, not a permissions problem. Any ideas as to where I should look? One possible clue is that when I imported the WP installation with your wonderful tool, I changed the owner from philmaye to phil.
Thanks, Phil
I logged in as phil and created the directories 2025 and 2025/01, reinstalled Wordpress, and still get “Unable to create directory…” It is as if the WP uploader is looking in the wrong place. Tried: deactivating all plugins. A different browser. A different win10 machine. Rebooting the server. None fixed the problem.
Yes, the path looks clean to me:
As far as I understand, it was installed as part of the import. Below are my notes with which I imported about 10 domains with Wordpress. It’s important to note that on most of the domains, Wordpress is working fine, and has been for ~6 months. It’s just this single domain, and on this domain, WP is working, e.g. create post, update plugins, delete spam,… It’s just uploading media that is broken??!
cPanel –> Backup –> Download a Full Account Backup.
download, move to E:\data\hetzner\cPanel-backups
use Webmin > Tools > Upload and Download to /root
better for large files: move file to public_html, use “Download from web”
VirtualMin AddServers → Migrate Virtual Server → fill in username & password to match KH (my old hosting provider)
→ Create webmin user: Yes
click to manage it → enable Apache SSL website, Spam filtering; disable DNS domain; MariaDB:maybe
Set up DNS records in Namecheap/wherever MUST DO BEFORE SSL SETUP
Also, have you enabled the chroot jail (Jailkit) feature for this domain? I usually recommend against doing that without doing some reading about the implications/risks/complexity of doing that.