WordPress Manager for Webmin/Virtualmin

They are both talking about WordPress Multisite Networks. See:

It used to be a fork developed separately from WordPress (by the WordPress.com folks, among others) under the name WordPress MU, but it was merged into core several years ago and was renamed to Multisite Networks.

I’ve mentioned it several times in our conversations, but we haven’t delved into it, as it didn’t fit the Virtualmin application installer model very well. But, for WordPress Workbench, it is obviously a necessary capability.

Thanks, Joe! I understand now!

It’s a bit like shared hosting—everything shares the same core and files, but each WordPress site in the network has its own dedicated set of database tables.

And, as organizations are in particular using it, we should absolutely support it. The more businesses we attract to Virtualmin, the better. Since WP-CLI already has a robust support for it, adding support in Virtualmin WP Workbench plugin seems very much doable.

But, that being said, I’d prefer to include it in the next version though—working on improvements without real feedback isn’t particularly inspiring… Is it alright, or we should consider this feature as MVP?

Yeah, we need to build something with it in-house first. I’ll try to build out our proof of concept WordPress SAAS this weekend, and yell about any urgently needed changes.

Another thing I’d like to work on is SQLite-based WordPress containers. But, that’s also down the road a piece, as WordPress on SQLite is still pretty new…core works, but a lot of plugins don’t.

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Duh, it’ll take quite a bit of work and time. But why not release it as it is and keep adding features along the way?

Looking forward to it!