Why is that virtualmin is very slow to work with Compare to other panels out there?

Virtualmin is not slow at all. My updates and clicks are almost instant and I run a LINODE inexpensive server. Please don’t change anything in the GUI based on this topic alone.


I don’t user ftp at all(i turn off and disable proftpd), i also do not use clam at all, do not run spamd nor provide email services. My service is webhosting only. That removes quite a bit of overhead. virt may seem slow but it’s the ONLY control panel out there that is able to operate within my business plan…

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Also here to pledge for not changing anything in the dashboard - that is important info that I don’t want to just chase around, drop to command line and stuff for what, like an extra 1-2 seconds? And I do not consider Virtualmin slow either, running my own KVMs on my own physical servers. Any optimization is always welcome, but I would hate losing stuff just to be able to run the software on the cheapest thingy out there.

Also for me it’s useful, refreshing and even cool to have nice graphs :slight_smile: So please add, not drop those. With options to be disabled/enabled.

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@anthonyinit2012 I have no idea what you talking about… perhaps your server is hosted in USA and you are located in China or EU or something… I have my server here home at my cupboard via ethernet on residential line with 20 megs up link…accessing it from anywhere in EU or even Russia is 98% faster then other sites (I have to admit that in Thailand it was not fast as in EU but matrix still gave me 88% faster for both virtualmin cp - same apply to all my websites.

perhaps you have wrong settings or something (note I host my dns on my own… no cloudpalava on my end)

good luck and have nice day.

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I have been a Virtualmin user for some time now and, whilst I love the VM, I can also confirm there are certain areas where it is indeed very slow compared to other panels I have used

  1. Dashboard (switching off the real-time monitoring helps)

  2. Edit users menu (especially if you haven’t opened the menu in a while)

These issues aren’t a train smash by any means, but maybe changing some of the default settings to enhance loading speed, will make a better first impression for new users.

Overall, IMHO Virtualmin is slower than some of the mainstream panels out there, but with VM’s ease of use, unlimited flexibility and low price, I don’t think it can be beat.

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Thank you for your input. can you tell me how to do 1. and 2.


My two cents on the matter.

While I first want to give @Ilia kudos on his exception work on the Authentic theme, working in all the bells and whistles that have come from the community in addition to his own genius…

I have to admit, as part of my “post-install” optimization of the panel, I do turn off many of the “fancy” features in favor of a faster and more responsive panel. It’s not really about the panel not working, it just comes down to personal preference that many of the “cool” features are not necessary for my usage needs.

I’ll also point out that, optimizing your machine after an install is also IMHO critical. Virtualmin when installed will enable TONS of features, many of which average @Joe (okay, that was a joke pun) will likely never use or need anytime soon. But you have to understand, the panel was designed to be used by a wide range of users, so exposing all the neat features allows for a wider audience to be met.

So, to summarize, “post-install” optimization is recommended at both the “panel” and overall “server” level which will lead to a much much more leaner and managable machine.

We often see people trying to run a stock install as-is on super tiny hardware which doesn’t help the users case. Again optimize for your needs, and watch how much better your experience becomes!

*** I offer post-install screen sharing sessions where I will not only optimize, but show you how I do it so you can replicate the steps and even learn how to further optimize things beyond our session. Contact me if you’d like to discuss this option. ***

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Thanks for your kind words, Peter!

What are those features exactly? Do you mean Virtualmin features (module)?


I typically turn off the fancy features on the dashboard like the graphs /charts and real-time updates. I also turn off the sidebar which I’ve personally never found overally useful (not saying it is not useful for others) and disable a number of links in the bottom left of the panel that I don’t use.

Besides that, there are a number of optimization steps I take on every server which reduces overall server load like turning off features not being used (ex. DNS, Mail, WebDav, etc) and further locking down the firewall and tweaking fail2ban for my personal needs which reduce load via less traffic hitting a specific service on the server.

Overall, as I’ve mentioned I can appreciate the hard work you, Joe, and Jamie put into making features available for usage, and how many of the features that were not your own genius (as many were) are a direct response to community users wants and needs.

I believe humbly that every person should go through a post-install optimization beyond what is even provided in the post-install wizard to get the best and most optimized use of the panel. Everyone’s needs are different so when I go through the steps with a client, I ask lots of questions along the way to get a better understanding of their usage needs, and make adjustments which should positively improve their experience.

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