Why do we have python 2.7 in still in Ubuntu 20.4?

I believe 2.7 reached the end of its support…

How to remove python 2.7 safely and make python 3.8 as a default python…

Ubuntu with python 3 as default

I just want to make sure that these changes will not break the virtualmin…

Virtualmin doesn’t care about Python.

Oh, wait, maybe it does…if you aren’t using certbot and instead using the built-in ACME tiny client. But, I think it should run under Python 3. You may need to install the python-is-python3 package for that to work.

It was end of life January of last year. Ubuntu 20.04 didn’t have 2.7 in it. You must have upgraded a previous Ubuntu install (like 16 or 18) to 20.04.

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I made a fresh install…

However with my new VPS slice… I am also surprised to see 2.7 in my server… I thought Virtualmin Installed it…

That’s why I posted my question here to make sure…

You can know exactly what Virtualmin installed: virtualmin-lamp-stack-ubu/virtualmin-lamp-stack-2004.ctl at master · virtualmin/virtualmin-lamp-stack-ubu · GitHub

Python 2.7 is not among the dependencies in that package, so we didn’t do it.


You can easy find python 2 with putting this in /etc/apt/source.list deb archive.ubuntu.com version-backports main restricted or use packages.ubuntu.com and search for it there. I find it, I need for sometimes.