Thanks a lot for this explanation. It’s weird to me that I installed from the same .iso as another Ubuntu which used mail.log out-of-the-box but maybe they just changed it (it does ask at the beginning of the install if I want to get the latest installer, which I always answer yes to).
I noticed several weeks ago and tested again with this fresh install that mail rate limiting is not working out-of-the-box (opened in another thread: Mail Rate Limiting broken out of the box (Ubuntu 24.04)). Neither thread got much traction. Should I assume that the mail rate limiting is also an Ubuntu/postfix/milter issue and not something in Virtualmin’s choice of configs and such at boxing time? (ie, so if I want it, like mail logs in mail.log, I should work out how to to do it).
Similarly (but I think the answer is different) you have responded on another thread I have about :20000 not assuming the-domain when only a username is entered out-of-the-box (the original reason for this test install: Can usermin assume @-the-domain-from-the-URL at :20000 for the logins? - #12 by Ron_E_James_D.O). That one IS a Virtualmin thing and not mine to fix though, right?