What forum software used by Virtualmin?

please consider adding a link at the bottom of every page, or something on the ABOUT page (does Forum have its own ABOUT page?) detailing what software is used to host the forum – or something somewhere — or did I miss it ??

of course if its not stock, you should mention that as well, if staff have enhanced and customized the forum software.

as I was reviewing articles today, it dawned on me that I have no idea what forum framework you are using :grinning:

It’s self-hosted Discourse. I’ve talked about it a bunch, including a couple/few News posts.

It has only minor customizations, mostly to styles. We use a couple of plugins, Solved for marking questions solved, and Akismet (with a paid account) for spam filtering.

As the admin/maintainer of it, I love it, and I think most users are pretty happy with it. It integrates relatively well with WordPress using an off-the-shelf plugin, Ilia added a bit of code so we can see people’s license information on their posts (since only Pro customers can request private support via PM, we like to be able to refer GPL users to the public forums without having to check their account in WordPress).

Akismet is only average at catching spam, but the basic Discourse auto-moderation tools work really well. The built-in stuff catches far more spam than Akismet does, actually, but combined they add up to a very effective system.

It’s also reasonably fast, though could always be faster.

Compared to the old Drupal forums we cycled through (and the forums before it on Joomla and OpenACS), Discourse is a dream. I have very few complaints. The way it deals with Tags is incompatible with my brain, and last I checked it still had a bug that meant I can’t let others create Tags. But, that’s so minor, and none of the previous forums even had tags (and I had to do a lot more customization and bugfixes to the features we were using). Discourse is so remarkably better than any forum I’ve ever used (which is a lot of them; five or six for Virtualmin alone) it feels petty to complain about anything.


Could you give me a link to the plugin you use? I want to get one for Joomla, but looks like I will need to write one myself and this would be a good place to start.

It’s the one the Discourse folks provide. WP Discourse Plugin — WordPress.com (it’s also in their github)

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