Webmin version 1.801 released

Howdy all,

I’ve just rolled out Webmin 1.801 to all repositories. This is a bugfix release that fixes a Net::SSLeay module related bug that some users ran into with version 1.800. 1.800 was rushed out to address a security issue in Authentic Theme, so it didn’t get the amount and variety of testing Webmin releases usually go through (and Jamie was on a plane over the Atlantic when it happened so he was on a very high latency network). Apologies for the inconvenience to folks who ran into that bug.

Changes since 1.790 (we’ve had several devel releases in the Virtualmin repos since then, but this is the first real stable release since then):

As always, let us know about bugs in the ticket tracker here or the github issue tracker.

There will likely be a pretty quick follow up release to add version 18.00 of Authentic Theme, but we wanted to get this out with the bug fix for TLS.

