Webmin/Usermin Login with righst SSL certificate

Hi! I get my certs etc from cyperssl.com i know how to use certs in virtualmin domains but how i can install certs for my webmin/usermin login to make my connections secure.

Where i can put my key files, cert and ca cert?



Just to clarify, are you using Virtualmin there? Or is it just Webmin/Usermin?


yes i use virtualmin to…

i wish to make something like that mydomain.eu:10000 & mydomain.eu:20000 to secure with cyberssl.com certs

Sloved :slight_smile: i found that in my virtualmin ssl config… Copy to webmin & copy to usermin & so on :slight_smile:


Perfect, that’s exactly what I was going to suggest! I’m glad you got it working!
