Webmin SSL Certificate - With Let's Encrypt directly obtain certificate without requiring Apache or Nginx

| OS type and version | FreeBSD 13.2 |
| Webmin version | 2.105 |

Currently to create an SSL Certificate you need to be using the Apache module to prove control of a domain via challenge and response. However via a custom certbot config file which can be specified with the command line, you can maintain a custom web root path pointing directly to Webmin. This way if this custom config file is kept in sync with the correct settings from the Webmin web server’s config file if running as its own web server.

Then the Certbot can directly work on the Webmin’s web root path for the appropriate challenge and response, directory and files. All while displaying the appropriate messages and form options. So the Apache module wouldn’t be required, as people can possibly be using some other web server software including using doing full stack development and production use of NodeJS, Bootstrap etc.

Can this possibly be used to improve the Webmin control panel for the future (if possible within this version series)?

If it’s not possible within this version series or at all I don’t mind. But just recon on trying to reduce the extra software required to obtain an valid SSL Certificate for Webmin.


This is a good suggestion.

@Jamie, what are your thoughts on it?

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This would only work if Apache isn’t running, because otherwise it will be listening on port 80 and so Webmin (or certbot) cannot use the same port. And Let’s Encrypt only allows SSL cert validation on port 80 as far as I know.

Yeah, and the point here is to use miniserv as the webserver if there is none.

I suppose we could do that on systems where Apache isn’t installed, by making Webmin listen on port 80 temporarily. But that’s a pretty rare case, and definitely not true for Virtualmin installs…

When using webmin on it’s own I never have a web server installed as the server use is not to serve web content, in most cases data is transferred from the server via sockets, that is managed by the software I wrote, so in this case to obtain a certificate for the server host name would be useful

Ok, I’ll look into the possibility of adding support for requesting a Let’s Encrypt cert in this case.

Do you usually run Webmin on port 80 or port 10000 ?

What is the use case for needing a Let’s Encrypt cert for Webmin? I know it is more browser friendly, but is it worth the effort of the staff to add this for fringe usage?

Normally its at default i.e 10000

It may be fringe but it saves me coding more to request the cert as the data that is being served by the server is delivered over ssl

certbot has a web server built-in for the standalone mode. Webmin wouldn’t need to listen on 80, if certbot is available. Standalone mode can’t work if another web server is on port 80, but, in the case where there is no web server…not a problem.

A quick work-around on systems without a webserver on port 80 would just be to install Apache. Webmin will use it automatically with a default install when requesting a cert …

I guess that would mean apache would need to run all of the time ? I was trying to avoid this because of

I just tried this and retrieved a certificate, how to get Webmin to use it?

Maybe Webmin could start Apache when it’s needed for renewal, and shut it down afterwards? That wouldn’t be too hard to implement …

@Jamie, I don’t think we should rely on Apache, if in particular certbot can handle it on its own by itself. Not everyone uses Apache, we just cannot do it (i.e. install Apache).

The most common method for obtaining a certificate without a web server is to use the standalone plugin of Certbot, to spin up a temporary web server to respond to the ACME challenges from Let’s Encrypt.


certbot certonly --standalone -d yourdomain.com -d www.yourdomain.com
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I suppose we could do that as a fallback… I’ll look into this. The alternative is to use Webmin itself as the webserver…

The problem is that we would have to re-bind Webmin to port 80, disable SSL redirect (perhaps do something else), and then revert it all back, when done … I’m not confident that it’s going to be a very smooth process.

Besides, I don’t understand why not just use certbot certonly --standalone as the primary and straight forward solution?

Yes that would work (just tested it) then just a case of getting webmin to use the cert

Ok this has been implemented for inclusion in the next Webmin release.

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