Webmin SSL Certificate Presenting Incorrectly

OS type and version Ubuntu Server 22.04.4
Webmin version 2.105
Virtualmin version 7.9.0

I set up a Let’s Encrypt certificate using /webmin/edit_ssl.cgi and told it to Copy new key and certificate to Webmin, but when I load up the Dashboard (tried clearing cache, tried in different browser) the SSL cert presented is wrong – it’s still using one of my VS’s certificates, instead of the new one I just created.

What am I doing wrong or missing?

Webmin will always serve the cert for the name you connect with, if such a cert is available and managed by Virtualmin.

That’s… interesting. I have a virtual server with the same name as the name I’m using to get into Webmin, and it’s positively not serving that certificate.

Ok, so I went to the virtual server, /virtual-server/cert_form.cgi, and clicked the first Set as Default button and now it’s presenting correctly in Webmin. I still find it very odd that the option in the Webmin configuration does nothing.

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