Webmin problem UPDATE

OS type and version CentOS Linux 8.4.2105
Webmin version Webmin 2.201

Hello, since the Webmin 2.201 update. In the Webmin configuration the icon to update has disappeared. And it is impossible to do an automatic update as before. How can I do this?
It says that version 2.202 does not exist in the options.

Photo ( Hopla ! )

@KevinDA Have you pressed the “Refresh Available Updates” button?

If you haven’t then pressing it may help, as this will cause a check for available updates. This will be based on the available yum repositories configured on the system as well as hosted on the server(s).

Additionally is that the non-Stream version of CentOS 8 or the Stream version? If it’s the non-Stream version then, its EOL with The CentOS Project. So would thus recommend seriously switching to another distribution, Debian Linux, Ubuntu Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Rocky Linux or Alma Linux.

As it may not be able to see an update as the yum repository doesn’t have the package available to install.

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Yes, I pressed the button. It still tells me that there is no update…
I don’t think it’s from Centos. Because it has nothing to do with Webmin. I just think it’s a BUG.
Do you have the same problem?

Can anyone help me ?

I don’t this version of linux is fully supported, so you may have a problem with the bleeding edge OS you are using … IDK just speculating

Not if you don’t listen?

Show us your repositories. Have you directly checked them to see that they are live? Probably not.

I would like to know if the webmin team could put the option back in webmin configuration. The small icon to update webmin because the problem comes from there. You can do this by doing an important security update.

Because before there was no problem.

If you are using Virtualmin, you should not use the Update Webmin option in that page, thus it is hidden. You should update using your system package manager.

It may be that Webmin alone also makes that change if you have the Webmin package repos configured, because again it’s better to use the system package manager for updates.

You should receive a notification on the dashboard when updates are available and will allow updating in the GUI using the system package manager.

So, the question is: What’s wrong with the repository configuration?

(And, no, we won’t bring that option back on Virtualmin systems. We removed it for good reasons.)

I didn’t have any problems before. I used to update from webmin configuration. Now I have version 2.201 and I can’t update to 2.202.
There is a big BUG, I ask the webmin team to restore this option and use a security update. Because it doesn’t work any other way…

It is not a bug. It is working as intended. If you want help, we can help you figure out what’s wrong with your repository configuration.

Can you give me the command to run in SSH to update Webmin?
I have version 2.201 and I would like to upgrade to version 2.202.

From Downloading and Installing | Webmin
try curl -o setup-repos.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/webmin/webmin/master/setup-repos.sh
sh setup-repos.sh

then dnf update

OP hasn’t told us so, but I suspect they have a Virtualmin installation, and if that’s so, they should not use the Webmin repository setup script, and should instead use sudo virtualmin setup-repos

OP refuses to give us any information, so we’re not able to be very helpful with confidence.

Are you sure it works ?

what the setup-repos.sh? that its job to add the correct repos to install webmin.

Good evening, as I explained. I’m not looking to install webmin, I’m looking to do a manual update. Because I have version 2.201 and I want to update to 2.202 in SSH.
How do I update via SSH ?

If your software repositories are correct, you can use your package manager. In this case dnf update

If that doesn’t work, then your repositories are not correct, and you’re going to need to fix them, as we have been suggesting above.

So I delete all the directories and put the same thing as you ?

What directories are you talking about?