Webmin - Name for PWA (Progressive Web App)

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 24,04,1
Webmin version 2.202

Hi I currently manage two servers with Webmin and Virtualmin on different ISPs.

I have installed the PWA (Web App) on my mobile for both of these servers - but the app name for each is “Webmin”.

Is it possible for the PWA app name to be the FQDN or IP or a user-defined value within webmin?

Can you not just edit the icon and change the name?

There is app?

Sort of.

If you browse to your webmin installation on a mobile phone browser you will get an option to install webmin as an app. Look in the menu.

This is not a real app but will run the webmin website in a containerised browser and will function like an app such as keeping you logged in and having its own icon in the phones app section, and so on.


ah ok, thank you for explaining :grinning:

Interesting, surely then the FQDN would be used?
BTW I don’t see that option on my phone.

When you add the website to your home screen, you get to name it. If you missed, you’ll want to delete it and start from scratch.

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Isn’t that just a shortcut, not a app?

Yeah, essentially it is a shortcut that behaves more like a native app. It leverages a technology called service workers. These are scripts that run in the background of the browser, enabling features such as offline functionality, background synchronisation, and push notifications.

PWAs rely exclusively on Safari’s WebKit engine, which can constrain their performance and capabilities compared to Android counterparts.


Hmmm, I don’t get the install option as chrome docs. :frowning:

Sorry, not much of help here as I’m an Apple user since the beginning of (my IT) time…

@stefan1959, there’s no option that offers to install a web app. You have to follow these steps:

Install a web app

  1. On your Android device, open Chrome Chrome|autox18.
  2. Go to a website with a web app that you want to install.
  3. On the right of the address bar, tap More More|autox18 and then Add to home screen and then Install.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

I tried that, for some reason I don’t have that option.
Where you logged (webmin) in when you did this?

Ok, I logged in and it works :slight_smile:

Can we get this in the docs, I had no idea webmin could do this.

Has nothing to do with Webmin. Every website can be turned into a PWA by adding it to the homescreen.

From what I read, there needs to be back-end programing, that why I couldn’t install as app (I presume) untill I was logged.

A plain html web site cannot be installed as app.

I just tested on a website that I host that’s just plain html and css and it can only be a shortcut not installed as app.

Apologies for the earlier mistake; it was late when I responded. The correct information is: “It has nothing to do with Webmin. Every website can be turned into a PWA shortcut by adding it to the home screen.”

The website needs to have a manifest file for the app functionality, a shortcut is different.

There will be an install option on the browsers menu.

This assumes your phone is new enough and that the browser supports it.

I have android and have installed webmin into my phone as an app.

A valid SSL certificate is required for this option to appear.

Not sure why, but once I logged in (android) the install appeared in chrome. On desktop I could install without logging on.


No I don’t get the option to edit name or icon if installing as a PWA on Android. I removed both apps and reinstalled to check.