Webmin MySQL Database Error when Editing User - Failed to save user


I have a newly installed version of Webmin + Virtualmin. I logged into Webmin as ROOT and I am trying to change the MySQL password for one of my usernames.

When I go to Webmin > Servers > MySQL Database Server > User Permissions > USERNAME > and then type in NEWPASSWORD > then SAVE.

I get an error that says says it “Failed to save user” and then a bunch of errors following it. These errors also happen when I try to create a new database user.

I’ve attached a screenshot below. I’m logged in as ROOT when I’m doing this. What can I do to fix this?

Failed to save user : SQL update user set host = ?, user = ?, Select_priv = ?, Insert_priv = ?, Update_priv = ?, Delete_priv = ?, Create_priv = ?, Drop_priv = ?, Reload_priv = ?, Shutdown_priv = ?, Process_priv = ?, File_priv = ?, Grant_priv = ?, References_priv = ?, Index_priv = ?, Alter_priv = ?, Show_db_priv = ?, Super_priv = ?, Create_tmp_table_priv = ?, Lock_tables_priv = ?, Execute_priv = ?, Repl_slave_priv = ?, Repl_client_priv = ?, Create_view_priv = ?, Show_view_priv = ?, Create_routine_priv = ?, Alter_routine_priv = ?, Create_user_priv = ?, Event_priv = ?, Trigger_priv = ?, Create_tablespace_priv = ?, Delete_history_priv = ? where host = ? and user = ? failed : Column ‘Select_priv’ is not updatable

Nevermind… I found out that it can be edited in Virtualmin.

Virtualmin > [select virtual server] > Edit Databases > Passwords > Change the Password > Save

Thanks for reading anyway. Cheers!

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