After finally got webmin to work and actually logged in to my server. In the assignment they want me to connect to webmin through my mobile but i can’t seem to get it to work at all after watching some guides. Anyone know exactly how to to it?
Are you sure your using just webmin ? Your version number appears to be a virtualmin version. That said you shold be able to connect using either your-ip:10000 or assuming you have a domain that resolves to your ip what errors do you get ? Is webmin running ? Check if webmin is running from the command line using systemctl
No not an error on my mobile only that I can’t connect to webmin only that the site can’t be reached. I assume i write localhost to connect to the server?
Have tried using the ip address to connect so something like ? Take note that localhost is not going to work as the resource (webmin) is not installed on a different machine and you should browse to it via that machines ip address or resolvable domain name
Maybe a local IP if this in on the local network, usually a IP (not always) depends on the router you have it plugged into and whether its wireless or lan.
Localhost would need the server be installed on the mobile.
I use a combination of NAT reflection and splitdns.
If you have many websites manually configuring host override entries can be time consuming and this is why I use NAT reflection but for my more important sites I use splitdns so I can access them in my WAN goes down.