Webmin connect through mobile?

OS type and version Raspi 4 B+ 1.3 1GB
Webmin version 7.30.3

After finally got webmin to work and actually logged in to my server. In the assignment they want me to connect to webmin through my mobile but i can’t seem to get it to work at all after watching some guides. Anyone know exactly how to to it? :roll_eyes:

Are you sure your using just webmin ? Your version number appears to be a virtualmin version. That said you shold be able to connect using either your-ip:10000 or your-domain.com:10000 assuming you have a domain that resolves to your ip what errors do you get ? Is webmin running ? Check if webmin is running from the command line using systemctl


So this is on a public IP.
What issue is it with the mobile? You getting a error in the mobile browser?

No not an error on my mobile only that I can’t connect to webmin only that the site can’t be reached. I assume i write localhost to connect to the server?

Have tried using the ip address to connect so something like ? Take note that localhost is not going to work as the resource (webmin) is not installed on a different machine and you should browse to it via that machines ip address or resolvable domain name

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Maybe a local IP if this in on the local network, usually a 198.162.xxx.xxx IP (not always) depends on the router you have it plugged into and whether its wireless or lan.
Localhost would need the server be installed on the mobile.


Okay i will try that! :grin:

Try using your mobile but with WiFi turned off.

A lot of routers will not let you access your public IP from within your network. You need to have NAT reflection enabled.

Isn’t this a hack in pfsense ? Not everyone has pfsense installed

This is not a hack.

NAT reflection or split DNS is a valid way of accessing public web servers from your local network.

Look at NAT Reflection | pfSense Documentation it states

NAT reflection is a hack as it loops traffic through the firewall when it is not necessary

I was only quoting the pfsense documentation to find the full text scroll to
NAT Reflection Caveats

I use a combination of NAT reflection and splitdns.

If you have many websites manually configuring host override entries can be time consuming and this is why I use NAT reflection but for my more important sites I use splitdns so I can access them in my WAN goes down.