Webmin behind reverse proxy

OS type and version Debian 12
Webmin version 2.202

I’ve followed indications provide in the FAQ to setup Webmin behind a reverse proxy (Apache) and all seems OK except one thing. The Login form tells me “You must enter a username and password to login to the server on localhost”. How can I setup Webmin in order he identifies the system with the real server name instead of localhost?

I found a way. To add at /etc/webmin/config the following line:


But it would be better if that info could be autodetected from HTTP headers.

The realname option only accepts 1 or 0 as values.

Thanks for the info. I confirmed that changing to 1 also displays the proper name.
It seems that, for boolean options, anything different of 0 is interpreted as 1.

As is for probably every programming language something which is not 0 is true and anything else is false. :man_shrugging: