Wasabi as backup storage

I’m relative new to Virtualmin and my client is requests Wasabi storage as backup storage. Reason for this is because VM where virtualmin is hosted lack storage and it’s expensive to get better configuration so workaround was getting third party storage.

Wasabi is using S3 protocol and I saw that virtulmin has native implementation with Amazon S3 so I was wondering if someone has experience how to setup(if it’s possible) Wasabi storage as backup storage?

Kind Regards,

Wasabi is back compatible with S3. Simply make sure to install native awscli command.

For more details, I will copy/paste the explanations made earlier, thanks to @Eric:

Virtualmin is able to provide support for services which offer an S3 compatible interface, which they (Wasabi) seem to offer.

To use that, when going into Backup and Restore → Cloud Storage Providers → Amazon S3, you would just need to enter the correct hostname in the “S3-compatible server hostname” field. The service you’re using would be able to let you know what the correct hostname to use is (it would likely be in their documentation somewhere, or their support could let you know what it is).

Once you add that, they or any other S3 compatible service should work.

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Thank you for posting this!