Warning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: Permission denied

I didn’t want to correct you or be rude, I’m happy about anyone who can help me.

port 465 is SMTPS a MUA port. It is always TLS. as mentioned by @cyberndt


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Let’s face it messing with postfix’s configuration files could introduce more problems, perhaps you should trust the disto’s repository to install a version of the config file(s) that works with their distro and the virtualmin’s installer to make any ‘tweaks’ that virtualmin needs. So therefore a working set of config files from Ubuntu may not work on Debian or in fact between different versions of the same distro. As this thread title indicates postfix is/was getting a permission denied error which is what needed to be addressed rather than trying to adjust configuration in an attempt to fix the problem.
where as this appears to be long standing for some chrooted postfix and saslauthd run into problems in Debian 7 · Issue #58 · webmin/webmin · GitHub
] appears to be the place to start

If you know commandline here is a test: #openssl s_client -showcerts -connect mail.example.com:465 -servername mail.example.com"

This worked very well. certificates and details are ok.

I used originally Debian files. Therefor i installed the Debian 12 vps to have nearly same Configuration like on the Main Server.

I tried the debugging Tipp from Postfix Debugging Howto and turned the chrooted flags to “n” to see what happens. But it is still the same Error.

I assume you know why and how you have your system set up for this?

Why you use smtps? In my opinion you don’t need it anywhere anymore. Do you need to make your own obstacles?

My article has all the correct settings. I just spent the last 2 weeks doing my postfix config.:grinning:

And they are all explained, I think :thinking:

may the ctrl + f be with you

And I would hope it takes into account any minor changes that distro’s may make for there own os, not saying there are any but sometimes disto’s do make changes to file locations and settings, to be fair I would leave any ‘tinkering’ to the virtualmin install and ultimately virtualmin/webmin when it is installed. The only exception to this is if you have vast knowledge on what your tinkering with, for example it could take a good length of time to understand every setting in postfix and the implications of making any changes I used postfix for this example but the same is true of any linux program. As there are no variants of windows, it’s either current or not, it does make writing documentation/guides much eaiser. I have not read your documentation, it’s probably very good but please take into account there is no 1 size fits all in the linux world

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SMTP connection error is passed to client MUA(aka Thunderbird)? Or MUA sends mail to server, but server don’t send that to destination? MUA is connected to 587 port on server? No to 465.

I gave up. Many thanks to everyone (especially shoulders and jimr1 who helped me find many other errors) who took the time and wanted to help.
I have now completely reinstalled the server. Debian 12 basic, then installed a fresh Virtualmin with the Virtualmin Pro installer. Set up the server with a host account.
The backups are then restored individually using “Restore Virtual Servers”. But only the features “all” are marked. No Virtualmin Settings. Then some adjustments in BIND. Now it seems to be working.
On my first attempt, which resulted in the error in this thread, I tried
virtualmin restore-domain --source /root/backups/virtualmin.tar.gz --all-virtualmin virtualmin restore-domain --source /root/backups/ --all-domains --all-features

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