Virtualmin: SSL Wildcard and Multisite and LetsEncrypt

I have a small Wordpress Multisite Network. It includes 3 sites at subdomain(1,2,3) and one at a

I followed the Virtualmin tutorial on how to install LetsEncrypt, however after adding the domains (, *, and I get the error message “… request failed : Web-based validation failed : Wildcard hostname * can only be validated in DNS mode DNS-based validation failed : Wildcard hostname * can only be validated when the native Let’s Encrypt client is installed”

I’m not sure what “native Let’s Encrypt client” is. Can anybody point me in the right direction here?

I bought Pro version to get this working but not working even on Pro version. Shame… I will request refund soon.

One of the issues that I had is that the dns record created by the let’s encrypt scripts was then immediately used. With slave dns servers, the record hadn’t been propagated before let’s encrypt attempted to ask for it, so it would fail if one of the slaves was hit instead of the master.


Although this is an older post, thought I add this in response to:
“I’m not sure what “native Let’s Encrypt client” is. Can anybody point me in the right direction here?”
I think this is a reference to Certbot (for more info):
See the paragraph entitled “With Shell Access”

I was also doing this and eventualy worked it out, I write a guide (with screenshot) at Feedback welcome.

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