Virtualmin Showing Empty Diriectory Listing on Site Load

Hi Virtualmin community!

I really enjoy using virtualmin and it is exactly what I need for my server.

I am having one problem, though. When I load my site, the “Index of /” page appears. I have uploaded wordpress and there is no files shown. Once in every 50 refreshes, the page I want actually loads.

I am running virtualmin on Centos 5.11 behind a NAT firewall on my modem. The external IP of the modem differs from the internal ip given to the server. The modem acts as the dhcp server. I forwarded the ports on the modem, and also checked the configuration of the network and everything appears fine. (My modem is a Motorola nvg589 if that helps) I also followed what they tried at to no avail. Virtualmin was also reinstalled after a fresh reinstall of Centos and I had the same problem. Is there anything I am doing wrong? How can I fix this?

Thank you for your help in advance,