du -s in /home/user/homes/ only calculates stuff in “homes”. Which is mainly email.
The entire domain contains more than whats in /home/user/homes/. Whats size of /home/user/? That should be close to the right size.
Virtualmin assumes all files owned by virtual server user. For example, if you have a large file in /tmp, which is owned by virtual server user, it will also count.
@Jamie - I think Administration Options > Disk Usage > By user should show files’ location outside of home too, so it could be easily tracked if needed?
Gotcha !!! now you just said that, it makes complete sense!! I transferred the user from another hosting to virtualmin, and prepared all the directories and users in another place on the drive, including setting permissions etc…
Now that I made sure that only the files in the users home directory are set with the permissions for that user, abd the file sizes are reported by virtualmin perfectly correct.
Thanks for everyone’s help !! and thanks @Ilia too !