Looking at the features of Virtualmin Pro, I’m not sure we really need any of them, but I like the idea of supporting development of Virtualmin. I’ve thought about picking up the cheapest level, but if I’m understanding correctly, every domain – even parked ones – will count against that 10 domain limit. Is that correct or is it per account/user? I’d actually have to go with the 100 domain license if it is the former, unless it is possible to make some accounts beneficiaries of the “Pro” license and some not…
Is there some way to sign up for a “lite” version that would support development but not be per-domain?
Yeah, I need to get everyone migrated over to assess how many virtual servers would be counted against the quota in Pro. Since cPanel is per account, I’ve not paid much attention if a client has 10 domains parked that point to separate pages as opposed to “pure” parking. What are the extra MySQL features? Thanks!
Like I said, for the most part, I don’t think I need any of the extra features (they might be nice, but unnecessary), but I /would/ like to support the development of free/open source software that I use, including Virtualmin.
If you are making $$ using Virtualmin GPL… you should be paying Virtualmin SOMETHING… c’mon… they’re GREAT!!! I understand the “linux world is all about free” and I love free as much as anyone… but after years of being yanked around by the PLESK chain I was so SO happy for find Virtualmin (10+ years ago). I know that Virtualmin is not all “GUI LIKE PLESK”… but it’s also much LIGHTER and doesn’t FORCE me to do updates I don’t want… and doesn’t CRASH like PLESK DID. I used to buy Virtualmin Pro for the plugins and the reseller mode but now they include so many GPL plugins I only need it for the reseller mode, and I would pay more… Virtualmin makes me $$… I tried asking the ISP that leases me a dedicated server if they would give me a free server or a free lite server… they were like “um, we’re a business, we can’t give you a free server”… and I was like, OH… and likewise, Virtualmin is a business… and for all these years these guys have been here, providing me a better product every year, giving me support EVEN ON THINGS THAT ARE NOT VIRTUALMIN RELATED… they are worth every dime, nickel, and quarter… buy a PRO license, MAKE a donation… show your appreciation… if you’re making $$ using Virtualmin… put them on your Christmas list, or whatever holiday you like…
Just buy a licence and use gpl if you want to support the project, this mean you will support the project for years to come (assuming renewals) and if you need it access to pro support
Definitely not complaining about paying – actually the whole point of my question was about paying. However, if I were paying for features I don’t necessarily need, I wasn’t necessarily wanting to quickly push into higher tiers, hence why I was looking for something between “paying nothing” and “paying for 100 domains.” The donate button might just be what the doctor ordered!
If I can share my personal opinion on this topic I think it can not harm any one to have a symbolic 1€ per month (10€/Year) Subscription with extremely few additional features. I’m near sure that a lot of people would take it.
Myself who currently do NOT make any cents on my platforms (Despite some of them have complex project with crazy architectures) I already though give away 30€/40€ (could even be 75€, it’s not the amount the problem) but never I planned to buy a professional license (Then maybe I’m not the best example and I only represent a minority in this community).
According to me the biggest feature of the pro plan is the Professional premium support. This feature is undoubtedly, from far, the Most important, the one you should highlight and really worst 75€ per Year (And the reseller account, even if it probably target only few members). But all the other, when you are a pro, you can setup it yourself.
The 10€ per year subscription could be perfect for Prebuilt Configuration (What the current ‘first time setup’ try to do):
• Mail Only
• Static Website Only
• Mega HUB (DB, SQL, PHP, Cron Job, mail ….)
With everything ready to run ( Maybe a prebuild index.php ) and no additional setup to do (at least for the 2 First). A kind of educational First Step, Ludic/Playful Example.