Virtualmin naming of SSL files in relation to Letsencrypt

Posting this as a separate thread as I guess someone might Google the same query later.

How does virtualmins naming of ssl files map to Letsencrypt?

Letsencrypt gives you the following files:


And generally they translate to:

Private Key ------------------------> privkey.pem
Public Key -------------------------> cert.pem
Certificate Chain ------------------> chain.pem

Public Key + Certificate Chain -----> fullchain.pem

Virtualmin uses the following names:

ssl.key -------------> ?
ssl.cert ------------> ? --------------> ?
ssl.combined --------> ?

What do the virtualmin files map to?

I’m guessing the following but can someone confirm please?

ssl.key -------------> privkey.pem
ssl.cert ------------> cert.pem --------------> chain.pem
ssl.combined --------> fullchain.pem (cert.pem + chain.pem)
ssl.everything ------> privkey.pem + cert.pem + chain.pem
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That’s also fullchain.pem

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Updated the post above with ssl.everything :+1:

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I never thought about it. But, that sounds right.

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