It seems to have couple of install scripts, but is there a way to add some more? Or is this a paid only feature?
Mainly wanting some common scripts like WordPress for testing. And can’t quite justify the license till I get a decent client base,and I will definatly buy it then, but for now, is there any other way to add couple of scripts?
The install scripts, aside from the 4 or 5 in the GPL version, are indeed only available in Virtualmin Pro. Maybe the developers will add some more common ones to GPL from time to time.
Realistically, the virtualmin devs cannot create each install script themselves - but maybe there’s a way to get the community involved ?
How about offering a VirtualMin Pro license for each contributed install script ?
Maybe that would provide some incentive for people to come up with new scripts
Otherwise, one could also think about leveraging existing installer scripts, such as the appliances supported by turnkeylinux (phpBB, Wordpress, phpMyFAQ etc) and either use those as a starting point for new scripts, or possibly come up with a converter to use those in virtualmin ?
TKL already uses webmin internally, so some joint effort would actually seem sensible here…