Virtualmin install broken

OS type and version Debian 12.7
Virtualmin version Latest?/unknown

My virtualmin install is broken. I have not actaly touched it in ages or loged in etc.

Going to my domain name gives me the debian apache2 page and not the virtualmin one. Port 10000 does not bring anything up anymore either.

I have tried to re-install but all it did was brake the firewall ports. I had to add some ports back into firewallid via CLI again and some of my FTP/SFTP ports just wont work anymore. (Standard FTP into the server as root works fine) I have AMP by cubecoders installed and SFTP port 2222 wont work even after re-adding the port tot he firewall again…

Anyway. I have no idea where to start to figure out whats wrong. As said, I have not touched it in a while so I cant say if some other program has broken it like Portainer or Plex etc.

Where can I start to try and see whats wrong with the install?

I dont want to re-install debian again and set up Docker, AMP, Plex, my docker containers etc all over again if I can avoid it.


That’s working as designed. Webmin/Virtualmin does not run under Apache, nor does it operate on port 80 or 443 (which is the port the bare domain name in a browser goes to).

This would either be the webmin service not running, a firewall change, or you switched to using Cloudflare or other proxy service, without planning for Webmin not being on a port that Cloudflare supports.

Holy hell, who told you to do that? That’s a terrible idea.

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