Virtualmin gpl...just delete it because it automatically creates index.html

Operating system: debian 10
OS version:

ok. i decided to give virtualmin gpl (because i am a fan of opensource and foss community based software, i try to be an active member and helping foss grow) a second chance to run a couple of websites on my own. i tried i adjusted everything to perfection dns ns mail public ip’s everything working like a charm until installing wordpress script on a server… and then everything goes black. any virtual server you make default ip site just dont listen and insists on its own initial site. wordpress installation finishes i login to domain and after revisiting domain goes to virtualmin under construction default page like boom and it’s over. i finally decided to continue making web servers by hand no dns bind its ok only web database old good keystroking via cli nginx php mariadb and everything just works manually and reliably. i wonder why you have published such a junk as virtualmin gpl to people since it doesnt work or it has major bugs and problems. such a waste of time and braincells. better build something that works with lesser features and give it to community and offer more working features with payment rather than giving something for experimental purposes unless some developer asks for it.

I have been using the GPL for myself and my clients for over 5 years and have never experienced problems like you.


All you need to do to get your (WordPress) website to show is delete the index.html file that recent versions of Virtualmin automatically create at /home/domainname/public_html

What a great victory for open-source this is, else you would have run down nginx, mariadb and perhaps even WordPress too.


Thinking a case of PEBCAK here. I’ve been using Virtualmin for over 10 years now with upgrades, migrations and the whole lot with little to no issues.

i have used virtulamin in the past i know it needs some setup but this version has a problem it doesnt change default site and it doesnt parse nginx configuration properly i checked the files and in some point nginx reload failed with message so i inspected conf files. either way i prefer nginx and i dont want to go to apache. everything else works fantastic but web and specifically nginx confs have some bugs and may even pose a security threat due to misconfiguration. wordpress install script gives an option to install to wordpress subdir but in nginx conf doesnt declare that. even the site conf file is oddly syntaxed. i can do manual config but why to use virtualmin then? iti is supposed to script do it for me this conf.

This issue has been just addressed and the fix will be released with 2.20 verison.

and it doesnt parse nginx configuration properly i checked the files and in some point nginx reload failed with message so i inspected conf file

What I also just noticed, @Jamie that after disabling Nginx and Nginx SSL website the domain config file in /etc/nginx/sites-available wasn’t completely removed and was left with the following directives:

	fastcgi_read_timeout 9999;
	fastcgi_read_timeout 60;

… later when re-enabling Nginx website feature the config happened to be broken as well:

server {
	ssl_certificate /home/debian10-gpl/ssl.cert;
	ssl_certificate_key /home/debian10-gpl/ssl.key;
	fastcgi_read_timeout 60;
	fastcgi_read_timeout 9999;
	fastcgi_read_timeout 60;

i prefer nginx and i dont want to go to apache. everything else works fantastic but web and specifically nginx confs have some bugs and may even pose a security threat due to misconfiguration

Any examples of broken configs?

even the site conf file is oddly syntaxed

What do you mean by oddly syntaxed - any examples?

What version of Nginx and Nginx SSL modules you have installed (can be checked on System Settings ⇾ Features and Plugins page)

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unfortunately i deleted vm and started again with new fresh installation so i do not have the files. it was on fresh debian 10 installation so i suppose nginx was the latest version. i am trying again with configuration in case of a problem i will come again with conf files.

@Jamie … but no matter how I tried to reproduce it over again, I couldn’t. I only can see that when Nginx feature is disabled, config file is getting deleted but its .lock file stays in place. That is the only bug I see at the moment.

unfortunately i deleted vm and started again with new fresh installation so i do not have the files. it was on fresh debian 10 installation so i suppose nginx was the latest version. i am trying again with configuration in case of a problem i will come again with conf files.

At the moment, you will hit the same problem, unless manually update Virtualmin-Nginx module before creating virtual-server.

i also noticed that when creating a new user in a domain and assigning additional mail addresses to him (alliases) when hit create and checking mail alliases it creates that mail allias but destination user mail instead of ‘@’ has ‘-’.

I think I see what causes this leftover .lock file - just checked in a fix for it.

Yes, this fixes an issue. I will tag a new release. Thanks, Jamie.

Telling people to “ just delete it” snd calling virtualmin junk is disrespectful to the developers here and the entire community. The OP’s comments are amateurish and indicative of someone who does not understand the feedback process to tackle bugs. The OP should simply get some paid hand holding from a professional instead of admonishing developers and telling the community to delete Virtualmin.

Very unprofessional comments from the OP.


I don’t think anybody here ever accused the OP of playing with a full deck.


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