VirtualMin: Failed DNS Validation when request CERT attempted from Let's Encrypt Servers

@Dibs you could do some tests with this link

And for DKIM maybe this part could … depending on for what you need mail

No we aren’t.

IF you have dns services at your hoster for the domains, SO YOUR OWN DNS / BIND is only redundant.
But should not hurt.

For DKIM and such you may need it but do you want DKIM do you need DKIM?, that is what you have to find out yourself with all the info’s on the WEB, depends on what you and others on the server want to do with mail…

Guys i uploaded for you my httpd.conf on pastebin in case you can see it and understand WHY and http://ip load


You beat me to it. LOL

The DNS - don’t you mean the other way round? If he’s got A and other records setup at his domain registrar then those details will propagate and his own DNS will be redundant?

YUP i changed text,

nikos, just wondering, without any intent to insult or anything… :
how do you expect to sustain your hosting business, if you’re clueless about it?
if i were “”, i’d get a sysadmin aboard or a papaki support plan…(not really fond of papaki for different reasons…)

just 2c,

I think that’s a total of (at least) 6c. Your 2c, mine & Jfro’s. LOL

i think i’ll hire one. Ehere csn i find one and how much will it cost?

SOME TIME, invest TIME to do readings on howto’s on the web.

Then you probably understand more and only then after that you can hire or do

Otherwise you have to hire everytime you need changes and then it blows budgets!

Very True.