I don’t know what happened, but virtualmin backup-domain is not anymore able to backup to my local NAS via FTP since 02nd of Nov. 2023. I’m able to remotely connect via FTP from my server (where Virtualmin is installed) to my local NAS, but not using “Virtualmin backup-domain” and I just get:
Starting backup..
Testing backup destination /FTP_BACKUPS/test.tgz on FTP server test.myDS.me ..
Failed to connect to FTP server : Download timed out
Which log file do you mean? By the way this is the terminal output:
Manual FTP connection:
[user@SERVER ~]$ ftp test.myDS.me 4500
Trying 2001:xxx:xxxx:xxx:xxxx:xxx:xxxx:cc8f...
Connected to test.myDS.me (2001:xxx:xxxx:xxx:xxxx:xxx:xxxx:cc8f.).
220 servername FTP server ready.
Name (test.myDS.me:user): username
331 Password required for username.
230 User username logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
and now when I try to use Virtualmin backup:
[root@server user]# virtualmin backup-domain --dest ftp://username:password@test.myDS.me:4500:/FTP_BACKUPS/test_.tgz --domain domain.net --all-features
Starting backup..
Testing backup destination /FTP_BACKUPS/test_.tgz on FTP server test.myDS.me ..
Failed to connect to FTP server : Download timed out
I use AWS (not ftp) no issue. So sounds like it maybe a ftp timeout setting. on the manual test did you transfer a file? Logs shows its trying to send the file. Does it error quickly?
Yes I’ve tried multiple times there… it doesn’t work… I’ve the timeout right using that. It seems the virtualmin ftp commanding, has something different…