Virtualmin and virt-customize

Hi guys,

I am trying to build a Virtualmin qcow2 image for faster deployment, but unfortunately during install the following error is returned:

▣▣:white_medium_square::white_medium_square: Phase 2 of 4: Setup
hostname: Name or service not known
System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can’t operate.
Failed to connect to bus: Host is down

Further operations are failing because this one fails.
I am using the following:

virt-customize -v -x --run-command “/bin/sh /tmp/ -b LAMP -n -f” -a ubuntu.qcow2

I’ve built Almalinux image without any issues with exactly the same commands.
Any idea why this is happening ?

Kind regards,

OS type and version Ubuntu 22
Webmin version latest
Virtualmin version latest
Webserver version apache
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